Thursday, September 10, 2009

They are Illegal Aliens!!

They are NOT "Undocumented Workers" or "Migrant Workers" or "Immigration Chalenged"! The are ILLEGAL ALIENS, plain and simple. They are criminals and should be deported immedietely! They are a horrible drain on our economy, our resources, and already ailling healthcare system! Although you will hear the Liberals constantly say "They do the jobs that Americans won't do", that is a crock of shit! If not for the ridiculous welfare system, people would have no choice put to take those jobs and there are plenty of people who need them.

When you incentivize failure and laziness, this is exactly what you end up with. A growing number of irresponsible losers who will do nothing to help themselves. Add to which, no matter what you do for them it is never enough and no matter what happens to them it is never their faults. The death of Personal Responsibility is the cause of this and what continues to propagate and perpetuate this growing epidemic.

A truth that nobody wants to face is the the Democrat Party continues to push for these failed social programs not to help the Useful Idiots, but instead, to hold them down. This is the most evil and insidious of deceptions. By convincing these idiots that the politicians know better, they gladly hand over their votes along with their freedom. Able-bodied people not willing to work to provide for themselves, deserve nothing!

Get a friggin job losers, bottom line!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A simple opening statement (explanation)

I will start with a very simple statement. I am not a hatemonger, a racist, a Nazi, or unenlightened. I am a loving husband and father, a thinker, an American. I, as many thinking men in this country, am finally fed up with what we are seeing and hearing out there on the world. A very small minority of the population of this country has completely taken over the PC debate. Way too many of us are just too lazy to do or say anything about it. Of course it is easier to just say "I don't want to offend anyone" , tuck you tail between your legs and say nothing. Since when has it been anyone "Right" not to be offended. Free speech is just that and it cuts both way, or at least it should. Just because you say stupid and offensive thing, does not give me the right to shut you up, no matter how wrong you may be.

I will be making postings from time to time. Everyone is free to comment on any of them. I only ask that you are respectful to the other side. This does not mean you can not offend anyone, this blog is quite the contrary, but I simply ask that you put thought into what you say and make sure you have FACTS to back it up. I WILL be checking.

I hate no one based on superficial things, such as sex, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, or even intelligence. I take in all men equally and you prove to me your worth. I would advise anyone who reads this to do the same. That isn't to say that there is no validity to stereotypes, just that, not all of us a characature of that stereorytpe.